Thursday, June 16, 2016

Hearing from God

have discussed the importance of hearing from God in making a marital decision. It is not only important maritally but in everything. God gives us direction for our lives and when we can hear from Him and obey Him, it means we are walking in His perfect will and fulfilling His plans for us. But many Christians don't know how God speaks and they end up relying on their Pastors to guide them. Very dangerous. There are many carnal Pastors who preach the Word of God and don't live it. You are putting your life in their hands. Better you hear from God yourself and pray that He confirms it.

So, what does hearing from God feel like? I can tell you that it is incredible and amazing. God speaks to His children in different ways. The way He speaks to me may not be the way He decides to speak to you. So, be spiritually open and sensitive to the move of God. Many times we can't hear God because the environment is too noisy and filled with distractions. Goodness gracious! There is so much to watch on American TV! My TV time went from 95% to 1% after relocation from the US to Nigeria. I'm not saying God does not speak to Americans. I am saying that I have filled up that TV time with reading and studying more of God's Word. Spending more time in His presence. And He is speaking more to me than He was before. And I'm loving it. Be cognizant of your environment and the things that are distracting you from spending time with God, that's noise.

If you want to hear from God, you have to seek Him out 

"And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:13 KJV

Go on what I call a clarity/destiny fast seeking direction for your life. Repent of your sins and decisions you have taken willfully without God. Invite Him fully into your life to take control. Some of the ways He speaks to His children:

1. Dreams: Pay attention to your dreams and write them down when you wake up. Meditate on them and ask the Holy Spirit for clarification if you do not understand.

2. God speaks to your mind: Thoughts and impressions that come out of nowhere but are accompanied with peace. The devil speaks through your mind too, but he prompts you to sinful decisions. The more you spend time in the presence of God you will know when He is leading and guiding you.

3. God speaks with peace: When you pray about a decision and you feel an unshakable peace. You know you are doing the Will of God. There is no peace in doing the will of Satan. Many women are filled with doubt on their wedding day, they still go through with it and come to find out in their marriage why there were feelings of doubt. That was God warning you that you were on the wrong path and that was not who He had prepared for you. When you see a rich Godly girl marrying a poor Godly guy, you may think she is crazy but if she is marrying him based on that unshakable feeling of peace, then it's not insanity but walking into the blessing of God for her life.

4. God can speak audibly: You can hear Him as the prophets of old did if He has determined that grace upon your life.

5. God can visit you: You will experience an encounter with Him in a vision or dream.

6. God speaks through signs: Ask Him for signs if He wants you to proceed on a matter. Fast and wait on Him. You will receive signs.

7. God speaks through His Word: A scripture can come to your mind, the Holy Spirit is prompting you to open up that chapter or even read the whole book. You will receive revelation from His Word if you obey. He can give you direction on your life based on a scripture.

8. God speaks by impressions: He can place a desire in you to do something or He can remove a desire from you to do something. Let's say you are excited about a new business prospect but the more you pray about it your excitement decreases. God is impressing upon your heart that it is not His will for your life. 

9. God speaks through people: Children have a pure heart, listen when they speak. Your friends and even strangers can tell you to do something, go and pray about it, God will confirm it. Example how did I become a blogger? My BFF reminded me that I had been a great writer when we were in Boarding School. Singing was always the primary gift for me, so I didn't pay attention to other gifts within me. She told me to write and look into blogging. That very same week my brother out of the blue said I should go into blogging and I knew God was speaking. At the same time I had been praying to God for another outlet to serve Him so this was confirmation for me. I was able by the grace of God to touch people all over the world (power of Google) through my writings and was receiving testimonies. A suicidal man contacted me and told me my posts encouraged him so much, he decided not to kill himself. If I did not obey the prompting of God, that man would be dead today. See the importance of hearing from God? He cannot use you if you don't communicate with Him. And there are so many souls on the line if you do not step into your destiny, people will never be delivered and can end up in hell unless God in His infinite mercy raises someone else to do what He wanted you to do in the first place. How did I become an author? Same thing. God led me to write 2 books. He has given me the titles of others too. Because I have trained myself to be familiar with how He communicates with me, I know when He wants me to write my books. There is a sense of urgency in my spirit, the best way I can describe it is when you are getting ready to deliver a baby there is no relief until the baby is out. This is how I feel when it is time to write a book. I am very sensitive to God's timing because the words flow with ease than if I try to do it by my own strength and power.

Pray to God and ask Him to speak to you. Ask Him to train your spiritual ears to hear and your spiritual eyes to see. He can choose to answer you immediately or He can choose to answer you much later. Never stop asking and thanking Him for communicating with you. His Word says His sheep hear His voice so if you are not hearing Him, ask Him to remove every obstacle preventing you from hearing Him. You will also have to spend more time with Him. How can you know God's voice if you don't spend intimate time with Him? The devil speaks too, so be prayerful and very careful. The devil is very cunning and many Christians have forgotten the devil knows the Word of God very well. Don't let him fool you. Especially if you want something so badly and you are seeing signs everywhere leading you in that direction. 

The best way to know if you are hearing from God is to keep your emotions, wants and needs in the freezer. So that if God makes it clear you are not to proceed you will hear Him. This flesh must be subdued in the place of prayer. You have to take authority over your flesh in order to hear God. That's why there is always confusion with people thinking they are hearing from God. Did they subdue the flesh? Keep their desires under wrap? And approach the matter decisively and professionally? Sometimes God will not speak because you are not ready to hear. He sees you have made up your mind to go ahead with your decision. God is not a robot. Don't pray an ABC prayer (casual prayer) and expect God to speak immediately on what you desire. Go and fast (fasting subdues your flesh and it is a sacrifice God respects) and tell God you will wait on Him until He speaks. If He has not spoken on a 3 day fast, don't stop, continue. He wants you to pray more. God moves in so many different ways not the way you expect. Don't limit God and don't constrict Him. I remember one time I went on a fast and I received no dreams. I was getting antsy and worried and He cautioned me that He is speaking but because I am desiring only dreams I am not hearing Him. I repented and started to hear. God is amazing. God is wonderful. God is supreme. Love God and take the time to know Him. You will be blessed for it. 

© 2016 Bella Alex-Nosagie

Monday, February 29, 2016

Walking in God's Love

The month of February is known as the month of love because of Valentine's Day. Today is the last day of February 2016, in this leap year I am moved to write about love.
The world describes love in so many ways but the love of the world is selfish. "I will love you, if you love me". "I will be kind to you, if you will be kind to me". "I will show you affection, if you show me affection". And the reason why pre-marital sex is rampant is because the world has established that sex is a part of love and waiting for marriage to express it is old-fashioned. Sex indeed is an expression of love but there is a time and season for it. Marriage is the time and season for sex and is fully endorsed by God (Genesis 1:28). Fornication (1 Corinthians 6:18) and adultery (Exodus 20:14) have never been endorsed by God and never will be. Christians are to look to The Word of God for guidance and how to navigate this life we have been given. It is not how the world defines love that should move us but how God defines love and He does this simply and effectively in 1 John 4:8, GOD IS LOVE!!!

There are many characteristics of God's love and Apostle Paul describes them effectively in 1 Corinthians 13. He makes it clear that Christianity without love is fruitless. In order for us to love and understand love, we must look to GOD for guidance for HE IS LOVE. I am focusing on two very crucial characteristics of God's love:

1) God's Love is SACRIFICIAL!

The main characteristic of God's love is, it is sacrificial. It is not selfish but absolutely selfless. It is unconditional because Jesus died for all even those that hated Him and those that reject Him today.

Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love. In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him. Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another. No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us (1 John 4:7-12 KJV).

God is waiting for us to return to Him no matter our current state. Loving God and putting Him first in our lives requires sacrifice.

If I ask you if you love God what will your answer be? A resounding yes? Probably that's what you believe. How about if I ask you if you love God more than your spouse? Do you love Him more than your child? Do you love Him more than your career? Do you love Him more than your possessions? What about your next meal? Do you love God more than your next plate of food? Is the answer still yes? If one or all of these is taken from you, will you still love God?

Many of us think we love God, but we don't. God gave us all we have. God gave us life, yet we are focused on living life to the fullest without praising and loving the Giver of life...the Giver of all we have. There are Christians who are dying for their faith in Jesus. Have you ever asked yourself if you are faced with such persecution would you stand up for Jesus? Do you love God more than your life? Are you ready to die for your belief in Him? 

If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple (Luke 14:26 KJV).

Christianity is a very serious and heartfelt matter. Too many Christians today are taking their faith lightly instead of getting deep into The Word of God and building a true and intimate relationship with God. It is a journey you may not be ready to commit to right now but ask Him for the strength to commit to Him no matter what because your eternity with Him is at stake. And nothing is more important than making Heaven for that is where real life begins without any sorrow whatsoever.  God empowers you to love Him and commit to Him. This is why He is looking for you to surrender your life to Him. Surrender your will to His will.
And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment (
Mark 12:30 KJV).

Meditate on this verse and ask God for the power to love Him above all else. He is looking for this in His children. If you are indeed a Child of God this is how you should love God and be committed to Him. He will then empower you to:

And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these (
Mark 12:31 KJV).

You cannot love your neighbor as yourself without the power of God. And you cannot access the power of God without getting close to God. Building an intimate relationship with God is the key to living a life that is pleasing to Him. 

2) God's Love is EVERLASTING!

For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 8:38-39 KJV).

God loves us deeply and incessantly but we must choose Him. If we do not surrender our lives to Him and live for Him, we will not make Heaven. And anyone who does not make Heaven ends up in hell. Until we die, our Father and Creator constantly calls out to us to choose Him so we end up spending eternity with Him. 

How will you define a romantic? Someone who pursues you passionately?
Someone with loving gestures just to bring a smile to your face?
Someone who loves you so deeply to the point of personal sacrifice?
Someone who lights up your world with their presence?

Hmmm... I have to say that all these sound like God to me. God understands romance for He created it. No human being can ever love you as deeply as God does. He created you with so much love. He never gives up on you but pursues you endlessly to become His. He sends the sun to greet you in the morning and endless fields of green blooming with beautiful flowers in the landscape around you. God's love has no doesn't stop even when you hurt Him and reject Him. 

The world declares that Valentine’s Day should be celebrated with gifts, candle lit dinners, romantic getaways and lots of sex. Christians should remember that God’s way of loving is pure and it glorifies Him. So as this month draws to a close today, remember the One who truly loves you and gave you all you have. The One who gave you every breath you breathe and determines when your last breath will be. 

The One who sent His Son to die for you that you may be saved if you choose Him as your Lord and Savior so you reside in Heaven with Him when you die. 

The One who pursues you relentlessly even though you disregard or defy Him at every turn. The One who wants you to discover that true love resides in Him and no place else, for He is love! The One who believes in you when you have stopped believing in yourself. The One who rejoices over every prodigal that finds their way back to Him no matter what they have done

How can you know you love God? 

Again this has been answered simply and effectively  in John 14:15, If ye love me, keep my commandments.
If we love God, we obey Him in all things. We obey God by, obeying His Word. The Bible is our guide to living a life that pleases God. Everything we do must glorify God. If you are doing anything that you will not do if God decides to come down from Heaven and physically sit next to you, cut it out permanently from your life. 

And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell. And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell (Matthew 5:29-30 KJV).

 Repent today and ask for His help.

 It is not about saying we are Christians but surrendering totally to Christ. Submitting our will to His will. So instead of worldly fruit and characteristics coming out of us, it will be Godly fruit and characteristics.

Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven (Matthew 7:20-21 KJV).

To say we are children of God we need to love the way God loves and we cannot do it by ourselves. It starts with surrendering our lives to Him and submitting every weakness we have to Him. Making Heaven is a choice and anything that jeopardizes our eternity with Christ we should ask Him continually to remove it from us. We cannot make Heaven if we love by worldly standards.

If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? (1 John 4:7-12, 20 KJV).

In order to make Heaven, we must go to the One who created love, the One who is love to understand how to love. If you are loving in a way that does not glorify God then you are disobeying God. And disobedience leads to destruction. No one can make Heaven without obeying God. If we say we are Christians and we do not honor God with our lives and act accordingly we are deceiving ourselves and others and that is the pathway to hell.

Remember to celebrate God everyday for He is love and He gives us the power to love in a way that glorifies Him which is all that matters for He created us and our lives are about Him and not about us.
© 2016 Bella Alex-Nosagie

To surrender your life fully please read the Blog post: Invite Jesus into your Heart. Start a new chapter in your Christian walk today and forever. God loves you and so do I!

Monday, January 18, 2016

Walking in Obedience

Obeying God can be easy or it can be hard, but whether easy or hard it is always peaceful. Don't fight it, because there is a blessing attached to obedience. When we obey our parents they bless us and do much more for us because we gladden their hearts. How much more our Father in Heaven when we obey Him? God loves us so much and He knows what is best for us. But just as teenagers like to rebel  because they think their way is better and their old fashioned parents do not understand them, so do many children of God do the same. God is not old fashioned. God is really really cool and awesome! Have you ever looked at all the technology gadgets you are enjoying today? Do you know that God created the people who invented smart phones for instance? God opened up that part of their brain to advance the world. God is very aware and very current. Our God is not old fashioned.

God's intelligence supercedes ours incomparably so, what does He do? He humbles Himself and comes down to our level so we can grow in Him by giving us specific instructions our human brains have the capacity to process and understand. In Genesis 19:17 explicit instructions were given to Lot and his family to escape for their lives and not look behind them. Very simple instruction. Sometimes God demands that you move away from your comfort zone in order to serve Him more efficiently and fulfill your purpose. If you keep your eyes on Him, you will flourish. If you moan and groan about what you are leaving behind, you are like Lot's wife and the consequence of her disobedience was instant. She turned into a pillar of salt! When you look at the life of Abraham and the life of Lot, the difference is very clear. One walked in obedience and one did not. One lived for God and one lived for the flesh. When we live to satisfy ourselves instead of the God who created us, our lives can go off track and end up tragically. Obeying God is worth it. He already knows what lies ahead but we don't, so why not submit?

I recently moved back to Nigeria (my home country) by the leading of God. I lived in the US from 1999 - 2015. I had been away for so long that everything seemed so strange to me. But I have not been sad for one day that I obeyed His leading. I am so peaceful about it even though it has been a major change for me and my family. If you are someone who takes your relationship with God seriously and you love Him and seek to obey Him, you will know when He does not endorse a decision you make. Any decision you make in your life that does not have the peace of God attached to it, is not of God. Seek God in everything. Seek His will for your life, your marriage, your children, your career, your ministry. So He can guide you to fulfill your maximum purpose. Without God's guidance we are derailed and only by His grace and mercy are some able to recover before major tragedy strikes.

He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.
John 14:21 KJV

The best way to show we love and honor God, is to obey Him. Jesus will reveal more and more of Himself to us if we obey His Word and seek to do His will. We should never be disobedient because there is always a consequence. Lot's wife was turned into a pillar of salt never to breathe again, laugh again, touch or be touched. She was stuck, a statue left to the mercy of others.  If we disobey God, we are inviting stagnation into our lives. We will not flourish and depend on others to survive. We become charity cases and liabilities instead of being assets. Don't let others chip away at you because they need salt to cook in their households. Don't let others take advantage of you because you refuse to follow the ways of God. Stagnation is one of the worst things that can ever happen to us. Stagnation prevents us from fulfilling why we are created and if we are not fulfilling why we are created, we are empty vessels. We must be productive for God and filled by God so we run our race effectively. We cannot be productive if we disobey God. May God help us to truly tune in to Him and trust His ways are perfect for us. 

© 2016 Bella Alex-Nosagie

To surrender your life fully please read the Blog post: Invite Jesus into your Heart. Start a new chapter in your Christian walk today and forever. God loves you and so do I!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Walking in Total Surrender

What kind of Christian are you? Are you a Christian that seeks to deny yourself and your needs and desires in order to walk in the will of God? Or are you a Christian that acknowledges Jesus as your Lord and Savior yet He is not The Lord of your life? I gave my life to Christ when I was 6 years old but I did not surrender my life to Christ until I was 30 years old. There is a difference my friends. There is a difference between approaching Christianity as a religion instead of a relationship. I grew up in church and there was a reverence for God but I can't say there was a love for Him. How do I know there was little love for Him? How do you treat someone you are in love with? You seek them out everyday. You love to be with them. You stay on the phone all day or chat all day sometimes you even forget to eat or drink because you miss this person so much. You tell them everything even mundane things that happened during your day. You want their opinion on everything even if it's to pick out your nail color or perfume or outfit or hairstyle after all you are dressing for them right? Ladies c'mon, you know what I mean when you are madly in love!

Many Christians may have given their lives to Christ but they have not surrendered their lives to Him. I know this because I was like this until God opened my eyes to my spiritual state. He instilled a deep hunger and thirst for Him that had never been there before. I would wake up barely acknowledging Him, go about my day and even be too lazy to pray to Him and read His Word. Don't get me wrong, I went to a Christian school joined every choir I could possibly join singing praises to God and serving Him but not for the right reason. I loved the gift more than the giver of the gift. I'm trying to paint a picture for you so you can understand what I mean. You can be going to church and working in church but still not living a life surrendered to God. When God becomes your priority. When you want so much to please Him, you ask Him to take away attributes in you that do not bring glory to His name. When you are so hungry for Him, you feel you can't breathe in this superficial world you want to run away and isolate yourself so you can bask in His presence without any distractions. You want more and more and more of Him and can't get enough of Him! You do not  see obeying His Word and His commandments as a tedious chore but a pleasure because you love Him and you want to please Him. When you feel so strange in this world like you don't belong in it and you can't wait to go home to Him where you truly belong. When you are ready to go where He tells you to go and do what He tells you to do no matter the personal cost to you. When you are ready to live and die for Him. 

Search your hearts, do you love yourself and your things more than you love God? Quick exercise: Think of something you love very much, if you are asked to spend time with God and do God-driven things instead of self-driven things like what you love so much, are you ready to give this thing you love up? When God woke me up by a series of traumatic events in my life. There was nowhere else to run to but Him. So I lay on the floor and surrendered my life. First of all, I repented of putting myself and my possessions before God then I told Him I was ready to be used by Him and for Him alone. I asked Him to use me for His glory, as His vessel. I learned to pray asking that His will be done instead of making demands like a rebellious teenager and expecting Him to answer my prayers because I knew what was the best for me. I learned to commit my fears, desires and joys into His hands and ask that His will be done for He has the best for me. 

Ladies and Gentlemen, please check yourselves today. Are you living for God or are you living for yourself? Are you  looking forward to spending eternity with Him or death terrifies you and you want to live forever because life is so good? True Christianity is an intimate relationship with God and it's also a lifestyle. Jesus Christ is coming back for those who are surrendered to Him and living for Him. Those who are worshipping Him in spirit and in truth not those who are mixing the ways of the world with their Christianity. How are you living? If Jesus were to spend a day with you in your home what will He see? Will He be allowed to enter all the rooms in your home or just the living room? Will He see someone who is living for Him daily or just someone who "lives" for Him on Sundays? If you have been guilty of compartmentalizing God  and living more for yourself than the One who made you, ask for His help today. Tell Him you desire to hunger and thirst for Him so He can fill you with His precious Holy Spirit. He will hear and change you from within.

© 2016 Bella Alex-Nosagie

To surrender your life fully please read the Blog post: Invite Jesus into your Heart. Start a new chapter in your Christian walk today and forever. God loves you and so do I!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Walking in Peculiarity

God can change you. God is deep. God is mysterious. We can never know all of Him but He knows everything about us. The innermost parts of us. He knows us better than we know ourselves for He created us (Psalm 139). Don't limit God. Don't think anything is impossible with God. Don't think you can never change. Ask God in. Ask Him to totally take over you and watch how He will empower you to be like Him. 

There is a prayer I love to pray constantly. "Father, anything that is in me that is not of you, please remove it. Anything that will prevent me from experiencing the fullness of you, please remove it and the taste of it permanently from my mouth. Fill me with more of your Holy Spirit and less of my flesh. Make me to be more like you, that when you look upon me you find me pleasing to your sight". And when God began to answer this prayer, it amazed me. Suddenly, things I used to enjoy before, I no longer found pleasure in them. I began to wonder what was wrong with me because I could no longer fit into the world like before. The world no longer held any excitement for me. All I wanted was more, more and more of God. I then realized the power of the prayer I had been praying. God was truly changing me and making me peculiar. This scripture I had learned as a memory verse when I was child now became real to me. I am chosen, I am royalty - the royalty of God not of man, I am holy and acceptable unto God - for I must be holy to be used by a holy God, I am peculiar to the world, He has called me out of darkness into His marvelous light. Light exposes, purifies and expunges. God is light and His instruments which are you and me, must shine. In order to be used fully by God, He must take away the darkness in us. The parts of us that yearns to blend in with the world and do what other human beings are doing. In order to be holy and to look more like Him and be like Him, love what He loves and hate what He hates, we must be pruned of our worldly ways. This is a lifetime journey and requires living daily in the will of God. You and I need God every single day. We need His power and purification daily because the flesh and the spirit are naturally contrary to each other (Galatians 5:17), the flesh must be crucified for the Spirit of God to prevail in our lives.

When God begins to work in us, we suddenly find we are no longer satisfied with earthly standards. The Spirit of God takes us to a greater height in order to serve an excellent and perfect God. God is holy and God is perfect, the only way we can be holy and acceptable to Him, the only way we can be perfected to do what He has called us to do, to be who He has created us to be, is to invite Him in daily to overtake us. The things that were previously impossible for us, will now be possible. 

Let me give you an example. I have always loved to sing and have been doing so since I was 6 but I could never write a song. I would start writing but have "writer's block". I had friends who could write with ease, but I could not. I slowly accepted I would never write a song. Not all singers are songwriters anyway, so I didn't let it discourage me. But let me tell you something. When I prayed a prayer of total surrender to God. And I told Him that He should just freely have His way in me and activate the gifts in my life that He had put in me to serve Him effectively. Suddenly, I was hearing songs in my spirit. I was shocked! I have now learned to have a recording device close when I am worshipping God because new songs begin to come out of my mouth and I must document it. David said in Psalm 40:3 that God put a new song in his mouth and I am telling you it is the same for me. I always thought when I would eventually work on my album it would be only English songs but that is not God's plan for my life. I am hearing ethnic songs in my spirit. Since I have fully yielded myself to God to be used by Him, I am not complaining or arguing with my Maker. He knows the best for me. He knows the people He wants me to reach. He is showing me how great He is by enabling me sing in languages I do not fully understand so I can discover the depth of His power. Language is powerful and God is teaching me a lot.  It is very exciting being led by the Spirit of God. 

I challenge you today to be totally sold out for God and watch Him make the impossible possible in your life. Things you could never do. Things you never thought you could do, you will begin to do. 

"Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,”
Ephesians 3:20 KJV

God has created you for a purpose in your generation. You must inquire of Him what exactly He has created you for. That is why we have gifts and talents. All are to be used for the glory for God. God can only fully use us once we are heavenly minded and living for eternity with Him and nothing in this world. Once God is a priority in your life and you make it known you are here to serve Him. And you ask Him to equip you for your purpose. You will be amazed at what you will be able to accomplish. I am now at a place where I can finally work on my music and I tell you it is God's music divinely from His throne room. I could not imagine having an ethnic song on my album because I don't speak any language other than English very well. But God created people who do not speak English and He wants me to reach them. Even those who speak languages other than English but also speak and understand English fluently, when they truly want to express themselves deeply they switch to their ethnic language. There are some words where the English language is not sufficient enough to express from the heart. God understands this as the Maker of languages. God is awesome!

I am excited and joyful to be discovering parts of me that will fulfill my calling. Parts of me that will move the Kingdom of God forward in areas I could never foresee. Where I am weak, He is making me strong. What I cannot do, He is sending divine helpers of destiny to ensure I do it. If He can do it for me, why will He not do it for you? He loves you so much. Please give your life to Him in totality and watch Him work through you. Let us humble ourselves and let our Maker work through us. Walking with God demands a lot of sacrifice because He requires a faithful heart. And you will be tested to see how faithful you are. God will meet you at whatever level you give to Him but I encourage you to grow and seek more of Him. If you want to experience the fullness of God and true intimacy with God, you must sacrifice a lot but it truly pays off. The happiest I have been in my life is when I fully surrendered to God to have His way come what may. The storms still rage and life gets real hard but nothing and no one can steal my joy because I know who I am in God and I know what I am living for. I have chosen to make Heaven and reign with my King. Whatever will prevent me from ruling with King Jesus at the end of my life or when He comes back to rapture His Church I have asked Him to remove. And I am glad to see the changes within me all to the glory of God. There is nothing wrong with you once you begin changing to God's specifications. All is right with you my friend, and all is well with you. God is real. We must live for Him now so we can reign with Him in eternity. If the world calls you weird or strange or peculiar, be happy for your Father has made you peculiar. It is a high compliment to be called peculiar because it means you fit in with God and fitting in with God is what counts. The path to Heaven is narrow but glorifying Him with our peculiarity ensures we will make it. 

If you will like to fully surrender your life to Christ. If you are ready for a change and tired of being stuck and stagnant. Humbly repent and ask God to fully take you over. Rededicate your life to Him and begin a new chapter in your life. Read the Blog Post: Invite Jesus into your Heart. Congratulations, for your life will never be the same again. God loves you and so do I!

© 2016 Bella Alex-Nosagie

Friday, January 8, 2016

Invite Jesus into your Heart Today!


Jesus Christ died for you and me, and loves us beyond our wildest imaginations. God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ) and God the Holy Spirit are one in three persons. Each is a unique individual but they are all God (John 10:30, John 14:9). God the Father is the creator of the Universe. God the Son came down to earth to die for our sins. God the Holy Spirit is the Counselor and Comforter (John 14: 16-17) that dwells in us when we receive Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior.


Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me (John 14:6).


Let it be known to you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead, by Him this man stands here before you whole. This is the ‘stone which was rejected by you builders, which has become the chief cornerstone.’ Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved (Acts 4:10-12).


For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16).


If you want Jesus Christ to reside in your heart forever and always and to spend eternity with Him when you die say the following prayer:


Lord Jesus, I come to you now to present myself. Today, I have come to truly believe that you are on your throne in Heaven and that you love me. I confess to you now that I am a sinner and I am not worth being considered to be associated with you. But you are truly a merciful God, who loves all. I therefore ask you humbly to forgive me all my sins and remember them no more from today. Please have mercy on me and forgive me. Cleanse me with your precious blood and make me a new person today. Thank you for doing this for me. I desire to follow you from today, serve you and obey your commandments as written in the scriptures. So help me Lord. From today, I make you my Savior, Master, and the Lord of my life. Thank you Lord Jesus, for giving me a new life. I pray in Jesus name. Amen.


Welcome to a New Life in Christ!

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new(2 Corinthians 5:17).


• Find a church to grow in and to be physically and spiritually supported. 


• Read your Bible. Start from the Gospel of John to understand the ministry of Jesus Christ and His love for humanity. The Gospel of John is a more intimate and profound look at Jesusministry on earth compared to other Gospel accounts (Matthew, Mark, and Luke). Perhaps it is because it was written by the disciple closest to Jesus, Apostle John.


• Christianity is to be Christ-like. Its not an overnight journey as Jesus Christ begins to prune away things you have always done before that will not bring glory to His name. He is your role model. Other Christians are not because only Jesus Christ achieved perfection in the flesh. Read your Bible to understand how to be a Christian.


• Pray to Him for guidance and help, and to build a relationship. A prayer is a conversation between you and Him. He left an example for you in the Bible if you don't know how to start: 


In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, As we forgive our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, But deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen (Matthew 6:9-13).

© 2014 Bella Alex-Nosagie

Know Who You Are!

People trying to box you in. They say, "Look this way, talk this way, walk this way and you just may be good enough for us". You are so busy trying to fit in with others expectations that you are losing yourself. You are forgetting you were created unique. You don't look like anyone else that's a hint that you were created to stand out! How can you stand out if you look exactly like someone else? Identical twins get to a stage where their own unique personalities emerge. They may look identical but their preferences are not. 

Don't let the world tell you who you are. Show the world who you are! You were fearfully and wonderfully made by God (Psalm 139:14). You are that special ingredient in the soup of life the world needs. You were created to be a catalyst in your environment. Don't let anyone drown out your individuality. God created you with so much love and loves you as you are. It will be really great if you could love God and acknowledge Him. He created you to fulfill a purpose. You are alive for a reason. The only way to figure out what you are here for is to get close to God. 

Yes, evil exists in the world and human beings are doing evil things. God created us with free will. Some choose to be good and some choose to bad. What are you telling the world with your existence today? Are you going to let others label you and determine how you should live your life? Are you going to season the world with good or with evil? Be who you were created to be and not who the world is creating you to be. You are a reflection of God's glory, so choose to glorify Him with your life. Selah!

© 2016 Bella Alex-Nosagie